Even Malaysia has a lot of price control items, ie price was cap/controlled by Govt so to prevent the price of daily goods to go higher. BUT now we have seen the Govt has lose control on the price, all price has gone UP & UP.
What we have seen now, the increasing price trend, is not a short term trend, it probably will continue for the next 20 years.
The end results of this long boom is the wider gap between the rich & the poor. THE RICH become very rich, THE POOR become even poorer.
If you are a salary earner, and SALARY is your only source, you will soon find it barely enough to cover your daily expenses. THE HIGH COST OF LIVING WILL BECOME HIGHER EVERY YEAR.
THE ONLY SOLUTION TO THIS IS TO SAVE ENOUGH MONEY FROM YOUNG AGE. GROW YOUR SAVING BY INVESTING. (if not, it's highly chance you can't save any money after you have family with kids)