Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The opposition won big is really unexpected. But the outcome from this 2008 election bring HOPE to all Malaysian.
All Malaysian who love this country should not so pessimistic about the future, we should instead contribute/ work towards a better Malaysia.

This is our only Country, nowhere we can go other than here in Malaysia!
We can't let it sink.
Sacrifices & Contribution is the thing we should do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you.

We all have to work towards a better Malaysia.

Help the poor bumiputra, cinaputra, indiaputra, kadazanputra, ibanputra, Malaysiaputra, etc, and NOT UMNO PUTRA.

Rewards those who work hard, and not reward those who is corrupt.

We Malaysian had been marginalized by the government, and we need to work double hard now in order for Malaysia to be on par again with other countries.