Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Market Timing, SHOCKS around us

To be intelligent in stock investing, do not enter the market when there are shocks around us, Mr Market do not like shocks & uncertainty.

We could see the shocks is coming, it will happen very soon, anytime from now, some are already known, some is going to happen :

  1. First Shocks : Financial reform from US
  2. 2nd Shocks : The Europe Debts crisis is worsening
  3. 3rd shocks : China attacks on property speculation .
This will tricker market corrections & panic selling, wait & let the shocks over, then pick up value stock from bottom.

Another TV producer claims political meddling


Another television producer - this time from RTM's TV2 - has claimed political interference in his work after his documentary on the Bakun Dam was taken off the air allegedly due to Barisan Nasional concerns over it chances in the upcoming Sibu by-election.

NONEIn a blog post today, the producer of the documentary, Chou Z Lam (left), revealed that the show was taken off the air under the direct instruction of RTM's chief broadcast executive Ibrahim Yahya.

"RTM's newsroom chief executive Jumat Engson said the documentary was taken off the air because it had sensitive elements that could be harmful (for BN) in the upcoming Sibu by-election as well as the Sarawak state elections," read the blog post.

Chou was instead told that the documentary would be postponed to 'a more appropriate time'.

Chou's allegation comes barely a week after award-winning journalist and producer Joshua Wong quit his position in ntv7 following what he said was constant political interference in his show, the last straw being a ban on discussing the recent Hulu Selangor by-election.

Chou's nine-part documentary was for a RTM2 programme entitled "Galeri Mandarin Nasional" and was supposed to have run from last Monday to May 7 in the 12.20pm to 12.30pm slot. The first two episodes have been aired.

'People first' or 'politics first'?

However, the following episode, to have been aired today, was taken off the air. It focussed on the social impact of the building of the Bakun Dam on the natives of Belaga who were forced to be relocated to Sungai Asap and Sungai Koyan in 1998.

NONE"This is another news interference by the government during and after the Hulu Selangor by-election," Chou said on his blog.

"I feel deeply sorry for the people of Sungai Asap whom I had interviewed, as their problems and voices are being prevented from being heard by the majority of the people both in East and West Malaysia," he added.

Chou said that the move was totally against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's '1Malaysia' slogan of 'People first'.

"If the Sibu by-election and the Sarawak state election are reasons for the show to be taken off the air, then what RTM is implementing is actually 'politics first'", he said.

'No such orders'

Chou said he had sought the help of deputy information, unity, culture and arts minister Heng Sai Kee to reverse the RTM directive NONEbut was told that the ministry would not interfere in RTM affairs.

Chou through his blog appealed to Ibrahim (left) to reconsider his decision for the sake of RTM's credibility and the natives of Sarawak.

When contacted, Ibrahim denied that he had ordered the documentary to be taken off the air.

"I did not give such orders [...] you should ask Chou instead," said Ibrahim.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

屈服首相夫人压力清谈节目设限 评论人媒体生力挺制作人黄义忠 即时新闻

前《非谈不可》节目制作人黄义忠今日揭露,Ntv7管理层向首相署和首相夫人罗斯玛的投诉压力下低头,自我审查时事清谈节目《非谈不可》, 设下三不条件违反编辑自主,是导致他毅然辞职的原因。

他透露,在《非谈不可》于吉隆坡和槟城造势活动节目播 出,Ntv7管理层就接获两宗从首相署和首相夫人转发的投诉后,而Ntv7管理层在没有展开全面和公平的调查,就对《非谈不可》的嘉宾人选和讨论议题,设 下诸多不合理的限制。

这些限制包括:1.不准讨论政治课题;2. 不准邀请反对党人士上节目,包括民主行动党国会议员潘检伟上节目讨论新经济模式;和3.不准讨论原定在4月22日的“乌雪补选”课题。

NONE黄义忠(左图)认为,这三项限制缺乏理据,严重 违反节目的编辑自主。公司对节目采取的限制,也是一种自我设限和审查,与新闻专业原则背道而驰,形同惩罚这个节目,严重打击制作团队的专业。

黄义忠指出,根据其上司,ntv7华语新闻与时事组执行编辑陈文贵指出,吉隆坡造势活动在3月18日播出后,19日管理 层就接获投诉。投诉是首相署转发他人的一则手机简讯,《非谈不可》主持人李晓蕙透过电邮把投诉内容转寄给他。内容如下:
“Mereka memperlekehkan KPI dan polisi BN. Memperlekehkan 1 Malaysia. Mencabar PM agar rombak besar-besaran BTN.(Biro Tata Negara). Mempertikaikan (disagree) tindakan Dato Nasir Safar sedangkan Dato Nasir telah berani meletakkan jawatan. Kor Ming dengan bangganya membangkitkan isu pemberian tanah kepada orang ramai di Perak. Wee Ka Siong gagal pertahankan isu MCA apa lagi nak pertahankan polisi UMNo dan BN. Ketua Pemuda MCA set markah 75 kepada PM dalam usaha KPI. Ada usul telus FDI dengan kurangkan kos operasi. Ada usul penilaian KPI oelh rakyat ketua jabatan sahaja.Yang sangat bahaya, dia orang minta kebebasan bersuara bermulan dengan sesi debat tadi. Makna tiada siasatan perlu dibuat, cara mereka bercakap dan membiarkan penonton bertanya soalan seolah-olah kerajaan kita ini terlalu teruk. Apa lagi cina-cina nie nak, mereka lagi kaya dari Melayu. Saya cadang kita perang jer dengan cina-cina nie…Melaru kepada semua ahli-ahli parlimen Melayu/ UMNo/MT dan semua pemimpin UMNO, wake up…mereka semakin biadap.”

黄义忠认 为这个手机简讯是匿名的,内容无理取闹和充满种族主义,但公司高层在还没有调查清楚前,就恫言可能要停播或录播这个节目,并叫他写解释信。

于是他和李晓蕙在3月22日写了一封解释信,信中逐一反驳投诉人无根据的指责,还建议公司高层针对“呼吁所有马来国会议 员和巫统领袖起来,跟华人开战”这句极具种族歧视的煽动性言论立即报警,因为投诉人显然已经失去理智的在煽动种族情绪。不过管理层却没有严阵看待其建议拒 绝报警,以让警方追踪查办,反过来下令不准《非谈不可》谈论政治课题。

因为抗议政治力不当干预和媒体自我审查而 辞职明志的黄义忠是在今早于隆雪华堂召开记者会,讲解呈辞原因及经过。

NONE他获得本身的父母亲、多位评论人包括陈亚才、 唐南发及大约30多名新纪元学院学生出席记者会给予声援。黄义忠也是新纪元学院媒体研究系兼职讲师。

Monday, April 19, 2010

China Curb The Property Speculation By Control in Lending

京滬深樓市 撻訂潮紛現
內地治樓市重藥 被指史無前例

【明報專訊】中央接連推出的壓樓市措施,震撼內地,有業界人士直言是史無 前例的嚴厲。在新政策威力下,內地樓市即時有反應,京、滬、深等地已紛見準買家「撻訂」。各地地產業界人士預期,「撻訂」潮隨時湧現,成交亦將急降。市場 近日更傳言,重慶及上海等地,已上報徵收物業稅的計劃方案,各地還將有不同針對樓市的稅收新政陸續推出,在負面消息不斷下,內地樓市勢料將步入寒冬。

上周四的國務院常務會議,首先拋出收緊按揭的震撼彈,要求第二套房的首期 不得少於五成,較07年的調控還要緊。直至前日,國務院再發出通知,要求堅決遏制部分城市的房價過快上漲,給出的對策是,要求各地可以按情,暫停向購買 第三套物業的居民發放按揭貸款,同時,不能提供一年以上納稅證明的非本地居民,更可要求銀行暫停批發按揭貸款。


接連兩日中央連續出招,嚴厲程度頗出業內意料。復旦大學房地產研究中心主任尹伯成直言,對比以往,明顯見到今次當局的決心,「現在的房價的確已經是 奇高了,而且游資有從一線城市蔓延到二、三線城市的趨勢,」故此中央現時出手,反映當對問題的重視。他更預期,未來調控樓市的措施還將有來,各類稅收政策 的調整會是下一波。而在連出兩招後,各地樓市亦即時見反應,北京、上海以至深圳,都已出現準買家看不清後市而「撻訂」的清。北京中原地產總經理李文杰形 容,這次史無前例的調控,已即時打擊市場信心,「雖然現在違約買家還只是零星出現,但未來一個月會大幅增加。」他預期,以現時每月成交的2萬宗二手樓交易 中,大約會有一成,即約2000宗會有「撻訂」可能。

限外地人借貸 重創樓市

但他認為,更嚴峻的還是前日推出的限制外地人借貸措施,「外地買房人佔了北京整體交易的三成左右,」他坦言,一旦北京正式定下暫停批發按揭貸款予外 地人,「這等於是告訴人家,外地人不用再來北京買房了。」這個打擊可能更大。李文杰預期,在多重壓力下,北京當地樓市成交量短期內即會「驟降」。


另一方面,內地傳媒引述重慶地產業界人士稱,當地政府已向國務院上交實施物業稅的規劃,上海亦同步遞交了規劃方案。一旦物業稅開行,亦勢將令當地樓 市雪上加霜。事實上,國務院發出的通知中,已鼓勵各地自行推出調控樓市的財稅措施,更警告各地方大員,要把樓價調控負上全責。

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Waiting & Pick up_ A Long Overdue Correction

It seems that a long overdue correction is finally coming.

The world market, regional & local will come under attack by selling pressure, this coming weeks will see a meaningful correction. Including our KLSE.

We shall wait, then pick up value stock. selling cheap by panic seller.

I wish I can buy back Lionind at 1.56, Parkson at 5.20, Bstead at 3.40 & FACB at below 0.50.

Equity is still the best investment this year, esp in Asian. The strength in Asian Currency is a strong evidence for bullish in Asian Equity. Malaysia Equity Market will see a big push if Najib's Govt is successfully implemented it's New Economic Model.

Friday, April 16, 2010


It is value buy when it traded below 1.00, still cheap when it's below 1.60.

BUT CSC definitely not cheap anymore at 1.90.

It has fully priced at 2.00.

I have sold all at 1.99.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zaid Ibrahim


Zaid Ibrahim calon Pakatan Rakyat di Hulu S'gor
Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Apr 13, 10
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim hari ini dipilih sebagai calon Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) bagi pilihan raya kecil parlimen Hulu Selangor.

sumber, pemilihan Zaid itu dibuat oleh biro politik PKR yang bermesyuarat di rumah ketua umumnya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pagi ini.

Keputusan memilih Zaid buat sebulat suara,” kata sumber itu lagi kepada wartawan Malaysiakini di luar rumah ketua pembangkang di Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.

Sumber itu berkata PKR menamakan Zaid kerana beliau dilihat sebagai calon berwibawa yang mampu mempertahankan kerusi Hulu Selangor itu.

Zaid adalah bekas menteri yang bertanggungjawab mengenai hal-ehwal perundangan ketika dalam barisan kabinet bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebelum berpaling tadah ke PKR.

Beliau dijangka akan diperkenalkan secara rasmi sebagai calon Pakatan Rakyat di sebuah ceramah di Serendah, malam ini.

Kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor kosong selepas penyandangnya Datuk Zainal Abidin Ahmad meninggal dunia pada 25 Mac lalu akibat barah otak.

Pada pilihan raya umum 2008, wakil rakyat PKR itu menewaskan calon Barisan Nasional Datuk G Palanivel dengan majoriti tipis 198 undi.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak baru-baru ini mengesahkan bahawa BN akan meletakkan calon daripada MIC untuk bertanding pada pilihan raya kecil itu yang akan diadakan 25 April ini.

BN dijangka mengumumkan calonnya pada 15 April, iaitu dua hari sebelum penamaan calon, dan desas-desus mengatakan Palanivel akan diberi peluang kedua untuk merampas kembali kerusi yang pernah disandangnya sebanyak tiga penggal itu.

Menangi iPod Shuffles dan Hadiah Lumayan Lain! Sertailah Kaji Selidik Sekarang!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


A news that most of the mainstream daily not reporting or report in a not noticeable column !


傍晚 5点43分
有鉴于公积金局在收购一家官联公司的过程中牟取暴利,民 主行动党八打灵再也北区国会议员潘俭伟质疑,公积金局一早已获得政府的内幕消息,整笔收购案实是一个违规的“内幕交易”。


由于公积金局在今 年3月前,成功收购了37.7%的马资源股份,随后即在收购法令下展开全面收购,只以每股1令吉50仙的价格,收购马资源剩余的股份,并在3月29日累计 了41.5%的股份收购。

掀起疑问的是,在公积金局收购了41.5%股份后的隔一天,首相纳吉即在3月30日宣 布与公积金局合作,发展一幅3000英亩的土地,而马资源集团受委为该发展计划的总发展商。

掀起疑问的是,在公 积金局完成收购后的隔一天,首相纳吉即在3月30日宣布与公积金局合作,发展一幅3000英亩的土地,而马资源集团受委为该发展计划的总发展商。

根据潘俭伟指出,随着纳吉作出宣布后,马资源集团的股价即不断上涨,从3月29日的每股1令吉50仙,陆续飙升至1令吉 59仙(3月30日)、1令吉65仙(3月31日)、1令吉69仙(4月5日),相等于12.7%的增长。


他也引述一份财经报 告,指专家预测马资源集团的股份还会继续飙升,直至1令吉80仙至2令吉25仙之间。

综合种种疑点,潘俭伟怀 疑,公积金局收购马资源集团,乃至后者后来获得政府的土地发展合约,实是一笔内幕交易。

他今午在国会走廊召开记 者会说,整笔交易的最大疑问是,政府在公积金局收购马资源的41.5%股份后隔天,就把一项大工程交给马资源集团负责。



基于此,潘俭伟促请 证券委员会采取行动,以大无畏的态度,调查公积金局的收购交易,把违法者绳之以法。

“在2007年资金市场及服 务法令下,犯法者可面对不超过10年监禁,或不少过100万令吉罚款的惩罚。”

他说,即便是公众人士,因为“内 幕交易”而利益亏损,也可以向涉及者展开民事诉讼,透过法律行动索回损失。

他表示,若证券委员会无法调查这项收 购行动,肯定将影响外资对我国投资市场的信心。