Equity & Property investment is all about Timing! Timing! & Timing!
The timing for equity investment now is bad. The chances for winning is so low that investor should just forget about shares now. Better to enjoy Movie/TV, traveling or Reading.
The risk is much higher now, you have global financial problem to worry like Euro zone & US debts problem.
You have property burble in HK & China to worry.
You have property burble in HK & China to worry.
In Malaysia, the investment risk is not much better, due to political fights between PKR & UMNO & Economy slowing down in 2012-2013.
Now we have witness how the entire Govt mobilize the forces to attack the organiser of 'Bersih 2.0', this political drama & HEAT between UMNO & Pakatan Rakyat will get worsen when the next 'General Election' just around the corner, by this YEAR END.
Now we have witness how the entire Govt mobilize the forces to attack the organiser of 'Bersih 2.0', this political drama & HEAT between UMNO & Pakatan Rakyat will get worsen when the next 'General Election' just around the corner, by this YEAR END.