Equity & Property investment is all about Timing! Timing! & Timing!
The timing for equity investment now is bad. The chances for winning is so low that investor should just forget about shares now. Better to enjoy Movie/TV, traveling or Reading.
The risk is much higher now, you have global financial problem to worry like Euro zone & US debts problem.
You have property burble in HK & China to worry.
You have property burble in HK & China to worry.
In Malaysia, the investment risk is not much better, due to political fights between PKR & UMNO & Economy slowing down in 2012-2013.
Now we have witness how the entire Govt mobilize the forces to attack the organiser of 'Bersih 2.0', this political drama & HEAT between UMNO & Pakatan Rakyat will get worsen when the next 'General Election' just around the corner, by this YEAR END.
Now we have witness how the entire Govt mobilize the forces to attack the organiser of 'Bersih 2.0', this political drama & HEAT between UMNO & Pakatan Rakyat will get worsen when the next 'General Election' just around the corner, by this YEAR END.
Hi SS ,
U might be right if one use fund allocation 4 shares investment like me , put small when mr mkt is not there n add more when mkt comes back but....no one can predict d mkt correctly ! NO ONE !
Below was what commented by Mr cold eyes >
tak ada akal method always stress on timing ! 因为股市是不可预测的。
That's y warren buffet said ta is useless ? click here >
We still have quite a ways to go before we hit the former stock market highs of 2007. I think we will reach those in 2012 because it is a US presidential election year. Obama wants 4 more years.
"In Malaysia, the investment risk is not much better, due to political fights between PKR & UMNO & Economy slowing down in 2012-2013."
I guess the investment community are mature enough to digest the political issue, moreover once have to understand that the economic getting worse is not because of fighting but rather its non fighting that scary...die in silence...
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