Thursday, May 31, 2007

Child Education Fund @ 31/5/2007

The market has undergo correction, some call it base building, Muiind has come down below 30 cent due to weak sentimen and fear of China Correction. I added 5,000 Muiind at 0.295.

China has started it's long overdue correction on 30/5/07. More volatile expected in China Market. Our BSKL has lost it's momentum, although the Index has not gone down much, but most of the counter esp 2nd & 3rd liner has come down to more attractive level.

For Value Investor, maybe this is the right time to accumulate ( slowly by stages) some good counter.

For me ? I will focus on Liondiv, Lionind, Muiimd, Ornasteel & TongHerr.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

China up stamp duty from 0.1% to 0.3%

The message is not to ignore the determination of China Govt to cool down the Mkt! A correction is better than crash !

2007年05月30日08:21 | |
中 國財政部(Ministry of Finance)於北京時間30日零點左右通過官方的新華社(Xinhua)宣佈﹐將從週三開始把證券交易印花稅率從當前的0.1%上調至0.3%。市場 普遍認為﹐這是中國政府逐步給股市降溫的最新舉措。中國股市的基準指數本月以來已連創新高。

這一最新消息對紐約股市週二後市的交易構成了 影響﹐紐約銀行(Bank of New York)中國企業美國存託憑證指數下跌1.5%﹐至361.82點﹐但該跌勢並不足以抵消美國股市中亞洲其他股票走強影響﹐紐約銀行亞洲分類指數仍上漲 0.3%。與此同時﹐紐約銀行新興市場美國存託憑證指數下跌0.4%。

RBC Greenwich Capital國際策略主管Alan Ruskin在研究報告中指出﹐與口頭警告相比﹐中國政府的稅率政策調整當然更具有建設性。在當前貨幣政策受到匯率因素制約的情況下﹐稅率政策是中國政府可以利用的為數不多的傳統政策工具之一。

據《中國日報》(China Daily)網站上週報導﹐在4月份一個月的時間里﹐中國上海證交所和深圳證交所就新增A股交易帳戶總計479萬戶﹐超過了過去兩年來的新增交易帳戶的總和。



Babson Capital Management駐哥倫比亞特區的新興市場股票組合經理Babak Minovi表示﹐他正在搜集有關中國上調證券交易印花稅稅率的細節信息﹐並補充說﹐儘管投資者在等待中國政府進一步採取緊縮性措施﹐並繼續推出既不會導 致股市崩盤又能夠給股市降溫的舉措﹐然而最新上調印花稅稅率的舉措仍有些出乎意料。



美國聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve, 簡稱Fed)前主席格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)最近對中國股市強勁上漲發出了警告﹐他表示﹐中國股市近來的表現顯然不可持續。

RBC Greenwich Capital的Ruskin表示﹐中國政府逐步推出抑制股市投機活動的措施﹐旨在避免股市硬著陸。

Isabelle Lindenmayer / Wailin Wong

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mr Market Vs Value Investing

2007年05月23日10:01 | |
揚基隊著名捕手約吉•貝拉(Yogi Berra)曾有這樣一句名言﹕棒球90%靠的是心智﹐其餘才是體能。這一點可能對股票交易也適用。在股票市場上﹐投資者即使把各種消息和數字研究得透徹到家了﹐但最後仍有可能賠得很慘。

編 撰全球股市每日通訊Gartman Letter的丹尼斯•加特曼(Dennis Gartman)說﹐從七十年代在棉花期貨交易所做交易開始﹐至今數十年的痛苦經歷讓他領悟到了上面這一點。這中間發生了很多插曲﹐既有在國債交易所操盤 時在一筆交易中擊敗來自太平洋投資管理公司(Pimco)交易對手的顯赫戰績(那是在八十年代初)﹐也有數年交易積累的利潤轉眼間煙消雲散的慘痛時刻。不 過﹐眼下他坐在這裡回憶這一切時卻很輕鬆。

如何走出象牙塔後、在現實世界求得生存﹐加特曼總結出了他所謂的“貌似簡單的交易法則” (Not-So-Simple Rules of Trading)。其中有些法則與市場普遍接受的看法大相徑庭。學院派總說﹐長期而言﹐起作用的還是基本面﹔不過就短期來說﹐市場毫無理性和效率可言。

但 加特曼斷言﹐實際上﹐女裝店的老板比大多數學者更瞭解市場。假設他同時進了紅色和綠色的服裝﹐紅色的賣得好﹐綠色的賣不動﹐他該怎麼做﹖他會提高紅色服裝 的售價、進更多的貨﹐同時把綠色的服裝降價﹐以便儘快脫手。加特曼說﹐這是很自然的邏輯﹐但現實生活中股票交易員們卻經常反其道而行。



1. 在任何情況下﹐無論如何千萬不要增持已經賠錢的頭寸﹐千萬不要﹐永遠不要﹗增持虧損的頭寸是交易之大忌、之殺手﹐就像酒後駕車一樣要不得。最後只能粉身碎骨。務必相信我。

2. 做交易時要像那些唯利是圖的雇佣兵一樣﹕必須站在能贏的一方作戰﹐而不是在經濟學原理上正確的那一方。

3. 心理資本勝過實際資本。在這兩類資本中﹐前者比後者更珍貴。持有正在下跌的頭寸是會付出可觀的實際資本的代價﹐而其消耗的心理資本卻是不可估量的。

4. 交易並不是低買高賣﹔實際上﹐它是高買、更高賣﹐是強者更強、弱者更弱。

5. 在牛市的時候人們只能作多或保持中性﹐同樣﹐熊市時只能作空或持中性。這是明擺著的。但很少有人能理解它﹐接受它的就更少了。

6. 市場處於非理性的時間會比你、我保持有償債能力的時間要長得多。這是凱恩斯(Keynes)說的。而非理性的確經常主宰市場﹐雖然按學者的說法似乎不該如此。

7. 當市場最強勁的時候要大力買進﹐當市場最弱勢的時候要捨得賣出﹐道理很簡單。弱勢時﹐就好像要用石頭去砸被水浸得最透的紙袋﹐因為它最容易被打破﹔而強勢時﹐就好像要乘最強勁的風出航﹐因為這時能行得最遠。

8. 思考問題要像一個“基本面”派﹐但操作交易時要像簡單的技術派﹕基本面或許會推動市場﹐我們需要有所瞭解﹔但如果從圖表上看後市並不樂觀﹐那為什麼非得看好呢﹖在技術因素和基本面齊齊向好的時候﹐你應該感到樂觀。

9. 交易是有週期性的。有的週期很好﹐大多數都不怎麼樣。當交易週期順利的時候﹐加大力度。反之則減少、再減少。“時候”好的話﹐即使犯點錯也還能贏利﹔但“時候”不好的話﹐你再做足了功課也無濟於事。這是交易的自然規律。接受它、運用它。


11. 在從事交易和投資方面﹐懂得大眾心理學往往比經濟學知識更重要。簡單來說﹐就是應該反其道而行﹐“別人捶胸頓足的時候你應該買進﹐別人興奮地大叫時你就該拋出了”。

12. 熊市時期的回調比牛市時的回調更激烈而迅猛。為什麼會這樣我們也搞不懂﹐但事實就是如此﹐我們接受它就好了。



15. 多做有用功﹐少做無用功。這一條對股票交易和對日常生活一樣適用。去做那些已經證明有好處的事。對賺錢的交易不妨追加投資﹐對賠錢的要捨得割肉。如果說股票交易(以及生活)有什麼秘密可言的話﹐這一條就是吧。

16. 所有規則都有被打破的時候......只是相當少見而已。明知少見卻可為而有成者﹐是謂天才。


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not a question of 'IF' but 'WHEN'

2007年05月22日10:33 | |

政 府為股市開出的各種退燒藥眼下都沒能奏效﹔而政府各級官員和市場專家對股市風險一再發出的警告只是投資者的耳旁風﹐而且煽得股市之火反而燒得更旺了﹐衡量 中國股市的CSI300指數在不到5個月的時間裡瘋狂上漲了85%。如今﹐每天的新開戶數超過25萬﹐而這僅僅才是一個開始。從本質上說﹐多數新股民都好 似一群賭徒﹐他們把股市看作一個充滿遊戲與運氣的棒球聯盟。






中 國股市一旦遭遇“高台跳水”﹐就有可能殃及北美和歐洲股市──美國投資者似乎對這一點尚未充分認識﹐甚至根本就忽略了。我希望對沖基金和其他同意這一觀點 的投資者在建倉時就已為中國股市可能出現崩盤做好了應對準備﹐尤其是對與消費者息息相關的類股﹐譬如寶潔公司(Procter & Gamble Co.)和百勝餐飲(YUM Brands)﹐因為國內股市下滑將令消費者支出突然減少﹐從而可能影響到這類公司的表現。



Sage Brennan


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Small Fish Vs Big Shark

Noticed the market volume is shrinking, the surge in index is not sustainable, up in the morning section, down in the afternoon.

In view of the uncertainties and fear of China Crash, it's good being a Small Fish, at least the small fish is flexible enough to just disposed off some of the shares easily ( can be 80-90%), walk away & sidelined for a period, enjoying the show from Shanghai.

It's not so lucky for Big Sharks, because they can't just sell and walk away. Any selling from them will cause the price drop heavily due to thin market volume. They have to take weeks to reduce their equity holding and praying Shanghai don't crash tomorrow.

An intelligent Small Fish is not necessary weak than Big Sharks if not better!

Latest Purchase at 17 May 2007

I have bought 10,000 Muiind at 0.33 from Child's education fund.
Increase the Muiind from 12,000 to 22,000 shares.

Noted their proposed purchase of Metrojaya has got all the authorities approval, the deal should be completed soon which will see Muiind earning to improved in near future.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Latest Sales on 16 May 2007

In view of the uncertainties in the immediate term, I have disposed 2,000 Lionind at 1.98 and 3,000 Ornasteel at 1.46.

This has increase my cash to 34% and waiting for the right time to re-enter the market at lower price.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I Decided to CLOSE Maybank Account

I totally disagree with what Maybank has done on the '50% bumi equity requirement' measure, therefore I have decided to close Maybank account.

The issue is not whether it's bumi or non-bumi, but to make Malaysia a better country we must make ALL decision on ' MERIT' not race, not religion.

For those not aware of this issue, below are the news:-

The extracted from The Star dated 9/5/2007.

MCA: Maybank move discriminatory

KUALA LUMPUR: Maybank has come under fire from MCA vice-president Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek for its requirement to law firms that it must have at least three bumiputra partners, one of whom must have a 50% stake, before these firms can do any business with the bank.

Describing the move as discriminatory, he said many Malaysians had expressed their disappointment with the bank for its decision.

“On one hand, we are talking about racial integration but on the other hand, we are adopting such positions which are racial in nature,” he said.

Dr Chua, who is the Health Minister, questioned the existence of such a ruling, adding how Malaysia could compete globally if a government-linked company like Maybank still adopted such a position.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen also questioned the bank’s move as firms that provided the best professional services should be the criteria for selection.

“We should learn to be more competitive because we are liberalising our financial services. What Maybank is doing is not in sync with what the Government is doing,” the Wanita MCA chief said.

Dr Ng said the move taken by Maybank may be an internal decision but she said the Wanita MCA regretted the action as it had no legal basis and was certainly not in line with the spirit of the Federal Constitution. Another unnamed bank was also reportedly to have made a similar decision.

She said Maybank was dealing with lawyers who were professionals and ethnic composition should not be an issue, adding that law firms should be judged on their abilities.

MCA Youth chief Datuk Liow Tiong Lai urged Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to intervene as the requirement was discriminatory, adding that the bank should withdraw the ruling immediately.

He hoped Abdullah, who is the Finance Minister, would step in to resolve the issue, adding that MCA Youth was disappointed with the decision as it would tarnish the image of Malaysian companies.

The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry also criticised the move, saying it prevented businesses from operating freely; while Bar Council chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan said all lawyers should be judged on their merit and that the council would be writing to Bank Negara on the matter.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Megan Media, My Experience

I have bought Megan last month (Apr) after my friend told me that it's 'Insider' tips. I did some check and find out it has high EPS and low PE. It appears cheap and I bought 20 lots the next day at 0.68.

Few days later I discovered that Megan is in huge debts position due to heavy investment in Plant and Machinery and the nature of it's biz need reinvestment every few years due to changes in technology. I feel uneasy over my investment in Megan because of the high gearing and it's biz model that always required huge reinvestment.

I decided to dispose it after 2 weeks of holding at 0.65 ( at a loss of 0.03 per share) because I recall the principle for 'Intelligent Investor' : Don't even hold a stock for ten minutes unless you are willing to own it for 10 years.

Look at Megan price today of 0.435 (she has defaulted RM47 mil bank loan & owing RM888 mil debts), This incident has reinforce my believe in 'Value Investing'

If you are interested in 'Value Investing' & wanted to be an 'Intelligent Investor', the following are some of the rules:-

1) When you invest in a stock, you are buy a biz, not a stock. Understand the biz.
2) Demand a Margin of Safety.
3) The Rule#1 is don't lose money.
4) Take advantage on the moody Mr. Market.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

China Market break 4000 point

2007年05月09日19:34 | |



渣 打銀行(Standard Chartered Bank)經濟學家王志浩(Stephen Green)稱﹐除非中國政府採取措施抑制股指進一步攀升﹐否則考慮到目前市場流動性充裕、上行動能強勁以及收益消息不斷湧現﹐上證綜合指數在未來一、兩 個月內將上探5,000點。






《上海證券報》週三還援引中國人民大學(Renmin University)金融與證券研究所(Finance and Securities Research Institute)所長吳曉求的話稱﹐中國股市存在結構性泡沫﹐某些資產的價格存在高估。

週三的市場交投狀況體現了這種擔心﹐投資者避開那些超買的股票﹐將投資轉向藍籌股。華泰證券(Huatai Securities)分析師陳慧琴稱﹐這是投資者越發意識到獲利回吐風險的跡象。

大型藍籌股中國工商銀行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)漲5.5%﹐至人民幣5.78元﹔中國銀行(Bank of China)漲7.8%﹐至人民幣6.10元。

寶鋼股份(Baoshan Iron & Steel)漲4.7%﹐至人民幣11.98元﹔長江電力(China Yangtze Power)漲2.9%﹐至人民幣15.04元。

分 析師們稱﹐投資者出於套利目的可能在中國首只股指期貨推出前繼續買入大型股。中國政府一再表示希望大力發展金融市場﹐引進股指期貨可能是其中方式之一。中 國證券監督管理委員會(China Securities Regulatory Commission)副主席范福春3月份曾對記者表示﹐希望在今年上半年推出股指期貨。


亞太其他股市方面﹐東京股市收盤走高﹐航運及金融類股上漲﹔不過﹐在豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)盤後公佈財政年度業績前﹐許多投資者都不敢輕舉妄動。日經指數收盤漲0.5%﹐至17748.12點。該指數週二下挫12.99點。

香 港股市收盤上揚﹐受亞洲其他股市的強勁表現以及上海證交所再創收盤新高共同提振。交易員預計﹐近期內恆生指數將波動於20,500至20,800點﹐因市 場均對中國大陸可能進一步推出緊縮政策而感到擔憂。但交易員表示﹐由於市場中流動性充裕﹐中期內指數有望延續漲勢。藍籌恆生指數收盤上漲138.43點﹐ 至20,844.78點﹐漲幅0.67%。

收購傳聞推動澳大利亞股市升至歷史新高﹔據稱﹐力拓(Rio Tinto)拒絕了必和必拓(BHP)提出的每股110澳元的收購提議﹐這一消息提振了兩家公司股價。此外﹐儘管聯邦預算中的稅收和支出大幅下降﹐但市場 認為﹐擴張性的聯邦預算也對股市產生了有利影響。基準S&P/ASX 200指數收盤漲36.6點﹐至6341.0點﹐漲幅0.6%﹐盤中曾創下6382.7點歷史高位。

新加坡股市收盤走高﹐交易商表示﹐主 要受地產類股走高、華僑銀行(OCBC)第一季度收益增長一倍提振。標準普爾(Standard & Poor)證券部門將海峽時報指數年底目標從3,100點上調至4,100點﹐並將新加坡股市評級從與市場一致上調至增持﹔這也給股市帶來了提振。海峽時 報指數收盤上漲13.51點﹐至3452.72點﹐漲幅0.4%。

Friday, May 04, 2007

Malaysia hit new high of 1,363 ! China Correction Soon ?

KLSE CI has break up to all time high of 1363 point today. Wow!
But the China's correction is expected to happen soon.

Greed Vs Fear !

It's wiser to heed the warning signal from China, even though we are bullish over the longer term for Malaysia.

If your stock continue to surge in coming weeks, take profits is a better choice.
If your stock is already in correction mode, then sideline and do nothing.

The best strategy now is to wait patiently for the China's market correction, get ready your cash to buy/ accumulate your targeted stock at lower price if there is panic selling in Bursa Malaysia cause by the China factor.